miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014


 I'll tell you where I'd go.

During my childhood grew up watching cartoons, which for the most I were made in Eastern countries, thus a fascination that I have since childhood has been to know these wonderful cultures , although I am not an otaku (which are in my opinion very well described in most of these television series).

Particularly, I would like to know Shanghai, This city attracts my attention by its great technological development, and the maintenance of their culture, (How will not be striking to see, ancient architectural spaces next to a modern building and incorporate feng shui?). I would also like to know the inside skyscrapers.
I also like to go, because my boyfriend is a fan of martial arts, for any reason we would miss the outdoor shows they do, and take my boyfriend to go to class with them martial arts.

Another place I'd like to know is Malaysia, they say it's like China without much crowding.

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