miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

How green I am.

I always think of the nature, the problem is that I think a lot and act little about. Recently I have had much concern about the amount of waste I produce. So one of my projects when I will switch from home (I'm coming to change my address with my boyfriend and my daughter) is to see in what places  I can recycle and implement recycling dumpsters to separate the trash. So I gave the same clothes you no longer use to a neighboring sells this in the informal market, I've recycled paper, but I've never done is to recycle aluminum cans and steel, but beyond recycling, reuse is also important. Also lately I have asked that I not give the supermarket bags in any store, when I have a lot because it makes no sense to month throw a plastic bag with plastic bags. I also like hanging out with a plastic bottle in the backpack bouncing not walk many bottles of juice.
What I do is I always worry about water consumption, I see water running much angry as you are not using, and so I'm always cutting keys. The same goes for energy consumption’s unplugging the electrical things that nobody is using, I prefer public transport, though I am also obliged to use, also in my house switched to paraffin stove gas stove. Also you can use detergent friendlier to the environment, but unfortunately I've never noticed that, and the other bad thing is that I am also good to open much cooler.

There are simple things I can do to make a difference, but in generally I do to because this things  save my money.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Ape to Man

 “Ape to man” is a documentary that show a different theories of the origins of human clade, with theories of the 19th of 20th centuries, with anthropological an archaeological discoveries, and with scientist like Charles Dawson, Raymond Dart and the Leakey’s,  and how they arrived at their conclusions.
The documentary shows the theories with setting and reenactments of the early humans ancestors and the environment of the earth at that time, on the Miocene and Pliocene. Shows how early humans lived, shows when the human starts to differ from the great apes extinct, the onset of bipedal gait, the beginning of the use of tools, the variation in the diet (what makes change shape, size, glazing and function of the teeth), the sexual dimorphism, etc.
The documentary does not delve into the origin of the Apes, but the origin of man, showing discoveries like Sahelanthropus tchadensis (in Chad),The Ardipithecus Kadabba and the Ardipithecus Ramidus (in Ethiopia), the Australopithecus throughout the Eastern Africa, followed by the genus Homo with specimens in Africa, Asia and Europe.

This investigation display several key theories make by evolutionary scientists, many of which were never fully accepted, for example in theory it is believed that the actual Apes are would be identical to extinct Apes, and furthermore, these represent our past, chimpanzees would be equal to us in a few million years, according to this theory.


martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Romeo and Juliet

My favorite piece of reading is the book “Romeo and Juliet” of William Shakespeare, this story is told in Verona, and its main characters are a pair of young lovers from rival families. It is not known if there were Romeo and Juliet, but also people will visit an eighteenth century house believing it to Juliet's house. Girolamo della court states that existed and that their relationship was in the year 1303., Although that could not be verified. The Capulet and Montague family if existed but it is unknown if they were rivals. However Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy that the Montagues and the Capulets held political and economic disputes in Italy.
Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's plays staged more with Hamlet.
Also have become works of music, opera and ballet Romeo and Juliet. Besides there are also works of art as paintings, prints, and sculptures, as well as different movies based on this story.
 The argument goes through comedy and drama. There are street fights, dances in a salon, a clandestine marriage. Furthermore Romeo commits suicide in a feminine way (baby poison) and Juliet commits suicide in a masculine way (a dagger buried).
Therefore it is a story that goes from one emotion to another, what makes it very attractive.