martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Romeo and Juliet

My favorite piece of reading is the book “Romeo and Juliet” of William Shakespeare, this story is told in Verona, and its main characters are a pair of young lovers from rival families. It is not known if there were Romeo and Juliet, but also people will visit an eighteenth century house believing it to Juliet's house. Girolamo della court states that existed and that their relationship was in the year 1303., Although that could not be verified. The Capulet and Montague family if existed but it is unknown if they were rivals. However Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy that the Montagues and the Capulets held political and economic disputes in Italy.
Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's plays staged more with Hamlet.
Also have become works of music, opera and ballet Romeo and Juliet. Besides there are also works of art as paintings, prints, and sculptures, as well as different movies based on this story.
 The argument goes through comedy and drama. There are street fights, dances in a salon, a clandestine marriage. Furthermore Romeo commits suicide in a feminine way (baby poison) and Juliet commits suicide in a masculine way (a dagger buried).
Therefore it is a story that goes from one emotion to another, what makes it very attractive.

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