miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

English Language Challenges

For me English has always been a difficult subject to learn, because when a child first fight with an English teacher when I was 11. The discussion was started because I had not done a homework because I had devoted to studying for a test to change the school (at Carmela Carvajal), the teacher began to insult me ​​saying it was ridiculous that I aspire to be better educated, and children we were going to that school came from poor families and had no future. To this I replied that if we were poor, it was because we had teachers like them, did not think that these children could learn. That was the first time I cried in public.
Already in the other school, I started having serious English classes, at first it was all good, the only thing it cost me was to have alternative tests (because they always put similar alternatives). But then came another problem, my friends began attending institutes and began learning English in particular. This produced the level of what they knew from school girls to rise, so the tests became more difficult. There I began to lose my notes and be absolutely out of level, because the spent material for teachers who knew more and did the tests according to their level. Also in this time I hadn’t internet or anything that could help me learn this language on my own. Such things conducive to increasingly learn less.
Nowadays, in the university  I tried to be more willing to learn English, but remember what I learn is what I find most difficult, in addition I have a class of human paleontology where I had to read quite a few papers in English, the problem is I get used to such a language where there is much language in biology and things that are not of everyday life.
As for the challenges with the English language I think I've proposed a lot, I've met, but I have not worked, have not been effective, always plan to learn more, but my learning has been the short term. So my challenge is summarized in that a lasting learning English.

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Year 2014

Although we are only halfway through of this year, I can say that the good points of the 2014 are 2 ½ years, so I feel more relaxed and I paid my settlement corresponding to vacation I never took during those 2 ½ years, also, since my quitting work I have had free weekends. And I also feel better health and have been involved over the construction of my house. As I am more relaxed and I have lost weight because nowadays I not feel anxious. Also in the summer I could operate my daughter gum, which had me worried. Also worked after taking a pretest of SIMCE where I paid 300,000 for work 4 days. Another thing that makes me happy is that I am on my bouquet of Human Paleontology that I really interested me and fun, although very demanding.

The bad points of 2014 are that need to pass all the courses, but I have not managed to read all the texts of Sociological Theory 5. My boyfriend has earned little money at work, and so we have not had enough to progress more in the construction of our house. Unjustly arrested a fellow sociology who was also my teacher in a popular pre-university, being accused of hitting a police officer, however, was not he. From there I felt much unprotected because I feel like it could happen to me, being also a sociology student and worker. Another thing that makes me sad is that I have not seen much of my mom, who is really sick and also this year died an uncle that I loved.

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

Personal Phobias

Is difficult for me to think in a exact phobia or fear that I have. But when I was a child I had a phobia to talk at lunch when I was sitting at the table with other people. And a phobia I've had a lifetime is a cuticles phobia, I hate when the people eat nails, and cuticles are removed back, and left them hanging pieces of skin, it's awful, I cannot see that. Also, when I was pregnant I had fear of childbirth and motherhood, especially for not being associated with children ever since I'm the youngest in my family.

A terrible fear that I have had since childhood, Is to the English class, is a karma for me, I don’t like, I cannot learn, study hard and do not remember anything. In the school, the teachers were taught only to those who knew more, so that the test was very difficult, and in the university I wanted to improve, but I have had some unforeseen problems as a teacher lost some of my work and so I failed the course. Now my biggest fear is not approved the English 4 class, because I need to graduate career  to start working as a professional, as the salary I have that I cannot afford to cover some needs for me and my daughter. Another fear I have is to fail Sociological Theory V because if that happens also would delay me.